March 2025 President's Letter

Hello SPN Members,

I wrote last month about our important roles as advocates – for the profession of nursing and for the patients and families that we serve. As the new administration is taking shape and beginning to enact its priorities, the call for advocacy feels all the more urgent. In the past several weeks, we have learned of actions by the administration that will have significant potential consequences for children, youth, families, for our profession, the broader healthcare industry, and for the overall health of our nation.  

I am particularly concerned about three sets of actions: 1) limitations on the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)-related work; 2) infringement on the healthcare needs and civil rights of transgender individuals; and 3) proposed cuts to Medicaid and other social safety net programs.  

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February 2025 President's Letter

Hello SPN Members,

I hope this month’s letter finds you well. It has been a challenging start to the year for my hometown of Los Angeles, which is beginning the recovery phase from a series of wildfires that devastated parts of our community. The immense social and health needs arising from this event, along with the arrival of a new administration in the White House, have me thinking quite a bit about the role that nurses play in advocacy – within their local communities, in their broader regions and states, and at the national level. Nurses are well-attuned to the needs of individuals, families, and populations within their communities, and they understand the impact that policy changes can have on access to the resources needed to ensure the health and well-being of patients and families, including safe housing and schools, a clean built environment that supports physical activity, nutritious food and clean drinking water, and regular visits with a trusted health care provider. When nurses use their professional voices to speak on behalf of our patients, families, and communities, we can be a powerful force for good, given the strength of our numbers and the trust that the public at large places in nursing.

I encourage each of you to identify ways to engage in advocacy as part of your professional role as a pediatric registered nurse. There are so many opportunities for advocacy – certainly, you advocate daily for individual patients and families, but what would it look like to extend that advocacy beyond the individual/family level and out into your community? Your local city council or county board of supervisors need to hear from you as they make health and healthcare-related decisions for your community. You can attend a council meeting to offer commentary or give a presentation that helps to advocate for needed services or supports in your community. Your hospital or healthcare organization likely has a community/government affairs office that could benefit from your engagement. The members of that office rely on hearing from practicing clinicians to understand and contextualize new legislation and to effectively advocate for the needs of the organization and its staff. SPN has an active Healthcare Policy and Advocacy Committee, comprised of SPN members with a passion for advocacy. This committee exists to help SPN members stay up to date with current issues and their impact on pediatric nursing and the care of the children, youth, and families we serve, and they’re always eager to hear from members who have a concern or otherwise want to connect. The American Nurses Association (ANA) also has a strong advocacy arm, and they have multiple opportunities year-round for engagement in their advocacy work, ranging from sending letters to your federal and state representatives to attendance at the annual ANA Hill Day, where you can go to Washington, DC, to meet with representatives and discuss issues of importance to the profession of nursing. There are so many ways to be engaged, and your voice as a registered nurse will be needed as we enter a period of political change and reshaping of government priorities. We must ensure that the needs of the diverse group of children, youth, and families we are honored to serve remain well-known and accounted for amidst this change, and it’s up to us to give voice to those needs and the ways in which they can best be met.

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35th Anniversary Highlight: Pediatric Partnerships

Kathy Van Allen, MSN, RN, CPN 

As we celebrate SPN’s 35th anniversary, we reflect upon some of the key partnerships that have benefited our organization and members. SPN recognizes the value of collaboration and partnering with other organizations to align resources and efforts on key initiatives, share knowledge, enhance membership offerings, and amplify our voice in the advocacy for children and families. 

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January 2025 President's Letter

Happy New Year, SPN Members!

I hope each of you had a wonderful holiday season, filled with memory-making and time with loved ones. As we head into 2025 and make resolutions for the year to come, I hope you’re thinking about both personal and professional goals – and all of the ways that SPN can help you achieve those professional goals! Our SPN volunteers and staff are hard at work throughout the year developing programs and products to support your career development and help you navigate your professional journey. Check out the list below – which of these goals will you make for yourself?   

Professional Goal
Ways that SPN Can Help

Get certified

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Nurse Safety Spotlight Award Applications Open Until March 4, 2025

SPN Nurse Safety Spotlight Award

SPN is launching a new award this quarter! The Nurse Safety Spotlight Award (powered by Baxter) looks to showcase pediatric nurses that demonstrate commitment to pediatric patient safety through professional activities, and/or interactions with patients and their families within their organization. Read more about the award criteria, questions, and prizes below. This award will be offered on a quarterly basis: the deadline for submissions this quarter is March 4, 2025.

apply NOW


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December 2024 President's Letter

Hello SPN Members!

A Look Back at 2024

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SPN November 2024 Chapter Newsletter

Chapter News

If you have any success stories, lessons learned, ideas, or other information you think would benefit your fellow SPN chapter members, please contact SPN to have your item included in the Chapter Newsletter. Contact Bayo Fasipe with any updates, questions, or other information.

November Update

Jennifer Lombardi, Board Liaison & Greater Kansas City Chapter President

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2025-26 Board Elections Now Open

2025-26 Board of Directors, Nominating Committee Elections Now Open

Elections have opened for the open 2025-26 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee positions. You must log into your SPN member account to cast a vote. Elections will close on December 3, 2024. Please read about each candidate on the 2025-26 Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Slate page before you vote. Make your voice heard and vote today!


Serenity Sphere - Aromatherapy

As the holiday season draws near, celebrations are often accompanied by distinct scents that can come from decorations or food preparations. These fragrances frequently trigger memories. However, this festive time can also become overwhelming as we juggle various tasks like shopping, cooking, and decorating for our chosen celebrations. Though holidays are generally viewed as joyful occasions, they can sometimes be quite stressful. Here’s where aromatherapy steps in, it may help alleviate stress and promote relaxation for improved sleep.

Aromatherapy functions through the inhalation of essential oils; upon doing so, it communicates with the hypothalamus and limbic system within the brain. This network influences emotions and memories. Therefore, the brain releases hormones such as serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine, chemical messengers that assist in regulating mood, sleep patterns, and digestive health. The secretion of these hormones is effective in reducing anxiety while fostering relaxation and supporting sleep. Research has shown evidence confirming aromatherapy's benefits for reducing stress.

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Advocacy Article - RSV

Did you know that “nearly every child will get RSV by the time they are 2 years old?” (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2024b,).

Laura Kubin, PhD, RN, CPN, CHES, CNE
What is RSV?

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common virus that affects the lungs of hosts; about 97% of children are affected by RSV (American Lung Association, 2021). Most people may mistake this for a common cold, or have no symptoms at all. However, infants less than 6 months of age, premature infants, and older adults with poor health are at risk for more severe illness that can lead to bronchiolitis or pneumonia (American Academy of Family Physicians, 2024; CDC, 2024b). These illnesses result in somewhere between 50,000-80,000 hospitalizations of children annually, and twice that for older adults (CDC, 2024c; CDC, 2024b). The symptoms of RSV in infants include a progressive worsening of runny nose, cough, and decreased eating or drinking (CDC, 2024b). Infants less than 6 months old will also present with irritability, decreased activity, and apneic periods (CDC, 2024b). Interestingly, RSV is not associated with fever (CDC, 2024b). RSV infections are seasonal, and typically occur in late fall to winter months in the U.S. However, according to the American Medical Association (AMA), the COVID-19 pandemic disturbed the seasonal nature of RSV, and it has not returned to predictable pre-pandemic patterns (2023). This is relevant because it disrupts the ability to prepare for and prevent typical RSV illnesses, which includes timing of vaccinations.

Prevention for Infants


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November 2024 President's Letter

Hello SPN Members,

Mentorship – A Key Component of Your Professional Growth

As we enter this season of reflection and gratitude ahead of the Thanksgiving holiday, I’ve found myself thinking quite a bit about mentorship and the incredible impact that mentors can have on our career journeys. Mentorship sometimes seems like a nicety – something a little extra that’s good to have but that isn’t necessarily a requirement. Increasingly, though, I’ve come to think of mentorship as a must-have, regardless of your career phase or where you think your career is headed. Mentors help us to evaluate where we are and imagine what can be, and they can push us to think outside of the box and to tackle challenges or pursue opportunities that we might not have known about or had the confidence to go after. Mentorship also changes over the course of a career, as we grow, learn, and further define ourselves. When I was a new graduate nurse, for example, I was eager for clinical mentorship – I wanted to connect with those who were more experienced clinically and who could advise me on how to develop my clinical skills and to care for more complex patients and their families. As I gained clinical experience and began to think about the next steps in my career, my mentorship needs shifted – I sought out those who had knowledge and experience with advanced nursing roles as I contemplated what path I wanted to pursue. Once I entered a PhD program, I worked to develop my research mentorship circle so that I could work with and learn from those with research expertise and a track record of extramural funding – and I remain connected with and supported by several of those mentors today.

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SPN Research and Evidence-Based Practice Grant Program Call for Letters of Intent by October 25, 2024

SPN Research and Evidence-Based Practice Grant Program Call for Letters of Intent by October 25, 2024


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October 2024 President's Letter

Hello, SPN Members!

Election 2024 – Nurses Vote!

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September 2024 President's Letter

Hello, SPN members!

Virtual Nursing

Have you heard the buzz around virtual nursing? Has your organization taken the dive yet? Virtual nursing is an exciting and innovative way to leverage the rapid expansion of telehealth technology to support nursing care delivery in the inpatient setting. Virtual nurses work remote from the inpatient setting to support nursing tasks that don’t require hands-on care. Using camera-embedded monitors or iPads to connect with patients and families, virtual nurses can assist with admission, discharge, and teaching-related tasks, answer questions on-demand, monitor the patient’s status, or support the team with care coordination and other behind-the-scenes logistics. These activities free up the bedside nurse to spend more time directly interacting with patients and families in-person and can reduce the nurse’s overall cognitive burden for the shift – and those working as virtual nurses can get a reprieve from the physical demands of a typical shift while still using their clinical expertise to support patients and families.

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Serenity Sphere - Self-Compassion

Serenity Sphere


Tina Spagnola, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC

Welcome to the Serenity Sphere. This quarter, we will focus on the concept of self-compassion. It is often observed that we are more critical and less forgiving toward ourselves than we would be towards others. Consider how you respond to your own mistakes—whether it's forgetting an item requested by a patient, failing to follow up with a colleague, or missing a deadline. In such instances, do you engage in self-talk similar to that of a supportive friend or do you adopt the role of a harsh critic?

Research indicates that practicing self-compassion can significantly mitigate anxiety and depression, thereby enhancing overall mental health. Embracing self-compassion fosters resilience and adaptability in challenging situations. Individuals who develop this quality tend to find greater meaning in their work; they fear failure less and thus exhibit increased creativity in problem-solving (Harrison, 2022).

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August 2024 President's Letter

Hello SPN Members!

Pediatric Nursing Excellence Award

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Call for Elected Leadership Candidates Open

The SPN Board of Directors and Nominating Committee are looking for the next leaders in SPN. Showcase your leadership competency skills through your commitment to serve.

The Call for Candidates is a critical part of the Nominations and Election process, during which SPN members are encouraged to consider if they have the time and resources to effectively serve in a nominated position. The term of office will begin at the close of the SPN 35th Annual Conference in April 2025.

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July 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!

I hope everyone’s summer is off to a great start, and that you have plenty of time over the next few months to enjoy all that summer brings: long, warm evenings; ice cream cones and fresh fruits & veggies; and time on the beach, at the lake, or in a pool to escape from the heat!

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June 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!

Artificial Intelligence in Pediatric Nursing

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Take the 2024 Educational Needs Assessment

The Society of Pediatric Nurses is conducting an educational needs assessment to better understand the knowledge and skills you are seeking. The compiled survey results will provide SPN leadership with beneficial information to directly align our educational offerings and activities based on what you need. This survey should take no longer than 5 minutes to fill out. Submit your feedback by clicking the button below by Wednesday, July 17, 2024.

We recognize that your time is incredibly important, and we truly appreciate your assistance in shaping SPN's future education. 

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