SPN eNews

SPN eNews offers current trends and topics influencing pediatric nursing and your practice. Have an idea for contribution?  Contact the Editor: Jordan Herring, MSN, RN, CPN; Subject Line: ENEWS Submission. 

Submission Criteria

  • No word limit
  • Include your full name and credentials (as you would like to appear next to the article)
  • Include references as appropriate
  • Submit in a word document, double-spaced in 11-12 Calibri, Times New Roman or Arial font

July 2024

COVID-19 Vaccination And Parent-Reported Symptomatic Child Asthma Prevalence

JAMA Open Network | July 3, 2024

Trajectories Of Housing Insecurity From Infancy To Adolescence And Adolescent Health Outcomes

AAP | July 1, 2024

Effectiveness Of School-based Interventions On Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge In Children With Disabilities: Systematic Review And Meta-analysis

Journal of Pediatric Nursing | July 1, 2024

Mesoblast Resubmits Remestemcel-L BLA To Treat Steroid-refractory Acute Graft Versus Host Disease

Contemporary Pediatrics | July 9, 2024

Study Identifies Racial And Gender Disparities In Youth Psychiatric Emergency Department Boarding

McLean Hospital | July 8, 2024

Vaccination: School Nurses’ And Children’s Attitudes And Concerns

Nursing Times | July 8, 2024

ID Please. Should Kids Be Able To Buy Nonalcoholic Beer, Wine And Mocktails?

NPR | July 9, 2024

Adverse Social Determinants Of Health Signal Adolescent Prediabetes Risk

Endocrinology Advisor | July 8, 2024

Using Digital Parent Passports In Neonatal Units To Standardize Care

Nursing Times | July 8, 2024

The Crucial Role Of Patient Advocates In Pediatric Oncology Research—Insights From ACCELERATE

JAMA Pediatrics | July 1, 2024

Interventions For High Body Mass Index In Children And Adolescents

JAMA | June 18, 2024





A monthly roundup of articles providing trending news and updates 

within the field of pediatric nursing




July 2024


COVID-19 Vaccination And Parent-Reported Symptomatic Child Asthma Prevalence

JAMA Open Network | July 3, 2024


Trajectories Of Housing Insecurity From Infancy To Adolescence And Adolescent Health Outcomes

AAP | July 1, 2024


Effectiveness Of School-based Interventions On Child Sexual Abuse Knowledge In Children With Disabilities: Systematic Review And Meta-analysis

Journal of Pediatric Nursing | July 1, 2024


Mesoblast Resubmits Remestemcel-L BLA To Treat Steroid-refractory Acute Graft Versus Host Disease

Contemporary Pediatrics | July 9, 2024


Study Identifies Racial And Gender Disparities In Youth Psychiatric Emergency Department Boarding

McLean Hospital | July 8, 2024


Vaccination: School Nurses’ And Children’s Attitudes And Concerns

Nursing Times | July 8, 2024


ID Please. Should Kids Be Able To Buy Nonalcoholic Beer, Wine And Mocktails?

NPR | July 9, 2024


Adverse Social Determinants Of Health Signal Adolescent Prediabetes Risk

Endocrinology Advisor | July 8, 2024


Using Digital Parent Passports In Neonatal Units To Standardize Care

Nursing Times | July 8, 2024


The Crucial Role Of Patient Advocates In Pediatric Oncology Research—Insights From ACCELERATE

JAMA Pediatrics | July 1, 2024


Interventions For High Body Mass Index In Children And Adolescents

JAMA | June 18, 2024




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