What is the Pediatric Nursing Excellence (PNE) Unit Award?

The Society of Pediatric Nurses developed this award to recognize pediatric units that demonstrate the characteristics of pediatric nursing excellence as identified in the SPN Pediatric Nursing Excellence Model.  This is a unit-based award that allows pediatric units to select from three different levels based on the ability of the unit to meet criteria for each item.   


Any pediatric inpatient unit, regardless of the type of facility as well as any hospital-based pediatric unit (such as PICU, NICU, peds ER, PACU/SDS, etc.) may apply. Multiple units within one hospital may apply; each unit must submit a separate application and will be evaluated individually.  

Does the unit contact person need to be a member of SPN to apply for the award?

No, you do not need to be a member of SPN to apply for the Pediatric Nursing Excellence Unit Award.

What is the submission deadline for the Award?

  • 2024 (cycle 1): Accepting applications August 1 - October 31, 2024
  • 2025 (cycle 2):Accepting applications April 1 - June 30, 2025
  • 2025 (cycle 3: Accepting applications September 1 - November 30, 2025

Do you complete the application online?

The application template, along with instructions, is available for download from the SPN Website as a Word document. Once you have completed the template, you will save it as a PDF and fill out the online application which consists of demographic questions and a place to upload your completed application.

What are the criteria for the award?

Pediatric units that achieve the honor of designation as Platinum, Sapphire or Diamond will demonstrate excellence by meeting specified criteria in five categories, which align with the five domains of the Pediatric Nursing Excellence Model:

• Engagement
• Values
• Principles
• Care Delivery
• Continuous improvement

What is the fee to apply, and how do I pay the application fee?

The application fee for the SPN PNE Unit Award is $1,000.00 per submission. It may be paid by check or with credit card. Checks may be sent to: Society of Pediatric Nurses, 778611 Solution Center, Chicago, IL 60677-8006

When will we be notified of the results of our application? 

The review process takes approximately 12 weeks. The individual listed as the unit contact in the application will be notified of the review committee's decision via email.  Submissions missing three or fewer criteria will be notified to resubmit the missing items within seven days of contacting for the first cycle.  Applicants who are not successful will be provided with feedback for improvement.

How is the application evaluated or Scored?

Blinded applications are peer reviewed by a trained review team of pediatric nurses. This group of reviewers will use the rubric found in the criteria to evaluate each application.  

How long does the SPN Pediatric Nursing Excellence Unit Award designation last?

The award is valid for a period of two (2) years, and the unit may reapply toward the end of that time.

While deidentifying the unit information, Do we need to eliminate the patient population?

When deidentifying unit information, specifically patient population information, it is fine to acknowledge the patient population. For example, if you work with BMT patients, it is perfectly acceptable to identify your patient population as BMT. This application requirement refers to ensuring all personal identity information (patient pictures, names, addresses, contact information, specific health information, etc.) is deidentified prior to the submission of the application.

In a Hospital, where two units are working on the same initiative, can both units include it in their reports?

Yes, as long as both units worked on the initiative, they may both use it as part of their application to meet the listed criteria.

How is the Award presented and acknowledged?

SPN is pleased to present this award via a virtual presentation to the pediatric unit if desired. Units are encouraged to invite staff, administration, physicians, patients and families, or other appropriate individuals to the award ceremony. Units may consider holding the award ceremony at any time. The recipients will receive an elegant plaque to display in a prominent location on the unit. The unit’s achievement will be publicized on the SPN website, social media and at the SPN annual conference.