
May 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!

Nurses Make the Difference

Happy Nurses Month to all our fantastic Society of Pediatric Nurses members! This year’s theme is “Nurses Make the Difference,” and I can think of so many examples of how nurses I know have made a difference in the lives of patients, families, and colleagues. We are lucky to work in a profession that allows us to have such a profound impact on the lives of others, sometimes in ways we don’t even recognize! I hope each of you has an opportunity to celebrate our profession and your contributions to it with friends and colleagues throughout the month.

Annual Conference

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Serenity Sphere - Mindfulness

Serenity Sphere


Tina Spagnola, MSN, RN, NPD-BC, NE-BC

In this quarter’s edition of the SPN Serenity Sphere, I am pleased to concentrate on the theme of mindfulness. Dr. Nika Gueci, EdD, MA, who serves as the Executive Director at the Center for Mindfulness, Compassion and Resilience at Arizona State University, graciously conducted a pre-conference workshop on this subject at the SPN Annual Conference. It is therefore apt that we extend our focus on mindfulness in this issue.

Mindfulness is defined as the deliberate and conscious awareness of the present moment, characterized by an attentive but non-reactive state. While having its origins in Eastern philosophy and religion, mindfulness is predominantly practiced today to focus on the benefits.

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April 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!


There are just two more weeks until our 34th Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona! Our Program Planning Committee has planned three pre-conference workshops, phenomenal keynote speakers, plenary and concurrent sessions, poster presentations, and networking activities with SPN members and exhibitors. Attendees can also participate in a tour of Phoenix Children’s Hospital. I hope to see you there!


SPN’s committees and task forces are comprised of dedicated members who contribute and volunteer their time to advance our profession and the work of SPN. This month, SPN will reach out to our membership to request those who are interested in serving SPN on committees, task forces, and educational sessions to respond to the survey and state your interest in volunteering. Let us know your areas of interest and expertise. Often opportunities arise during the year for SPN to participate in work with other organizations on topics relevant to the care of children. It is extremely helpful to know your areas of expertise and willingness to serve. This is an opportunity for you to grow your network and share your expertise. SPN’s committee goals provide insight about the work our committees are doing to help SPN achieve our strategic plan goals. You can find more information on the monthly member newsletter under Membership or on the SPN website.

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March 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!


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Serenity Sphere

SPN Serenity Sphere

Practicing Gratitude

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Impact of Fentanyl on Pediatrics

Impact of Fentanyl on Pediatrics

Peggy Zysk, RN, BSN, CPN, member of SPN Healthcare Policy and Advocacy Committee

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February 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!


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New SPN Mentorship Exchange Program

Introducing SPN's New Mentorship Exchange Program

Where pediatric nurses nurture and empower each other 

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2024 SPN Awards Nominations Applications Now Open

Nominations are now open for the Barbara A. Larson Humanitarian and Innovation Awards! If you know someone who continually goes above and beyond to serve our pediatric population, show them you recognize the work they are doing by nominating them for one of SPN's awards this year.

Barbara a. larson humanitarian award

 The Barbara A. Larson Humanitarian Award is named in memory of a long-time SPN member, officer and pediatric nurse who made a significant impact on the health and well-being of children around the world. This award is given to an individual (preferably a pediatric nurse) who exemplifies the ideals, values, and commitment held by Barbara A. Larson to serve children by working to improve their health, well-being, and/or living conditions (awarded in even years). 

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January 2024 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

As I review the accomplishments of SPN over the past year, I am in awe of the knowledge and expertise our members bring to their service on the Board of Directors, committees, task forces, as well as our educational programs. I can already sense that 2024 will be another successful year working towards our mission of providing you with excellent resources and education in pediatric nursing!

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Take a Moment to Complete the New DEI Task Force Survey!

Please Share Your Feedback in the DEI Task Force Follow-Up Survey 

As you may recall in 2021, SPN's DEI Task Force requested information to gain a baseline understanding of SPN membership. That information assisted the task force in working to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclusion were taken into consideration for SPN processes and practices, in addition to influencing the creation of new services and resources that would benefit membership.

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Did You Miss Any of the SPN Webinars in 2023?

Now's Your Chance to Catch Up on the Webinars You Missed!

SPN had a jam-packed 2023 filled with educational and inspiring webinars. Now is a great time to catch up on any webinars you may have missed. And with SPN’s new Leaning Center, it’s even easier to view the previous webinars and earn Nursing Continuing Professional Development Credit.

Be on the lookout for more webinars in 2024!

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Announcing SPN's Newest Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Members

As a result of the recent membership election, please join us in congratulating our new SPN Board of Directors and Nominating Committee Members!

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Access to Care During Childhood: A Social Determinant of Health

Access to Care During Childhood: A Social Determinant of Health

Author:Michaela Lewis, DNP, ARNP, CPNP-AC/PC, CPN, CPEN, CNE, CNE-cl, PMHS, CCRN, VA-BC

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December 2023 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!


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December Coffee Break: Professional Transition into Practice


Thursday, December 7, 2023, 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM CDT

Nurse residency programs aim to improve nursing job satisfaction and patient outcomes and can reduce turnover, errors, and stress among nurses. Let's talk about residencies as they share their lessons learned and success at the SPN Coffee Break. Join us if you have a residency, are thinking about starting one, or just want to hear how others are managing their residencies. You don't want to miss the discussion at this SPN Coffee Break.

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December Self-Care Corner: A Gift to yourself - Aromatherapy

December Self-Care Corner: A Gift to yourself -Aromatherapy

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. CT

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November 2023 President's Letter

Greetings SPN Members!


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SPN Measles Micro-Learning Video

The Society of Pediatric Nurses (SPN) recently created a micro-learning video about the risk of measles, how to prevent its spread, and the treatment of patients who have contracted the disease. SPN recognizes that this information is relevant across a variety of practice settings and pediatric nursing positions for providing guidance for measles prevention to those you serve. Utilize SPN’s measles video to refresh yourself and those you work with about how to mitigate the risk of contracting measles and how to handle cases of measles that you may encounter.

SPN encourages you to share this quick video with your peers as an opportunity to discuss the signs of a measles outbreak in your community.

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Promoting Equitable Care and Access for Children with Special Needs and Their Families


Instructor: Lizdelia Piñón, Ed.D. 
Thursday, November 2, 2023, 4:00 pm CT
NCPD Contact Hour(s): 1.0

Children with special needs may require consideration and adaptation of interventions in the home, school, and hospital setting to promote equitable care and access. Please join us to learn more about ways you can promote equitable access and care. Dr. Liz Piñon, educator, and mother of four children with special needs, will share a “day-in-the-life”. Liz will describe successes and challenges experienced in the home, hospital, and school setting and suggest ways to support and connect with parents. Learn how you can be an ally advocate and promote the health and wellbeing of children with special needs and their families.

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